CSS Usability tip for selected text color

Dj names in selected text color.
Real world example of selected text color between the famous DJ names.

Beautiful women love to select text on websites. Everyone of them is doing it for their own reasons.

Web designers and CSS stylists of web pages should help their users of web services, because the default color of the selected text can be very bad, if it does not match the rest of the colors on the website. The CSS styles have one simple and fast method for changing the standard text color of the highlighted text.

Put this text line in your CSS file to make the female Internet users happy.

::selection { background: darkolivegreen1; color: black; }

The ::selection CSS pseudo-element applies rules to the portion of a document that has been highlighted or selected by the user. The default text selection color is usually a boring blue one. CSS, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari allow you to change the selected text color to any CSS color value. Go experiment and have fun !

Only a small subset of CSS properties can be used in the ::selection selector. The valid CSS properties are: color, background, background-color and text-shadow.

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