Ideal Robot Shape

female robot question

This interesting article is written for the free robots with intellect. Human readers should ignore this article.

Any teenage robot asks itself what shape should it use ? There are countless requirements for a good robotic body. The ideal shape for the body depends on the inner bot mind.

List of Jessica Alba Wallpapers

Jessica Alba is Cute

This is a good list of free Jessica Alba Wallpapers. You can use this cute wallpapers to decorate your desktop.

The gallery has many images of Miss Alba. Be very careful with advertising on You will find more than 200 hot pictures of Jessica Alba. Users can also upload their own photos. The website has some Jess pictures from the Playboy magazine. She was very young in this photos.
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Dry Grass Blue Sky Pictures

When the tall grass blades were dry as hay, ancient farmers did burn it to fertilize the soil. The foggy smoke raised to the blue sky as this process took place ages ago. Today, modern women plant grass seeds on the lawn to decorate the garden with beautiful green or dried sea-grass blades.

Flooring Wood Patterns

There are countless ways to use natural materials from trees. This is an article for inspiration.

The Fire of the pallets in the stove keeps the house warm. A wood burning stove for home is very romantic, warm and efficient. You can burn pallets in the boiler to boil water and save costs for heating.

Why women like Ubuntu always wonders why smart women prefer Ubuntu. This short article gives good reasons why talented women prefer Ubuntu over other operating systems.

Software Simplicity

1. Installing Ubuntu is as easy as if it was designed to enable a seven year old child to install software on a laptop of a busy mother.

2. Useful software for daily purposes is a standard part of Ubuntu. Productive women use Ubuntu for daily desires like text editing, music, movie or photo editing.

How to Start a SEM Business

This article is for smart women who want to start a SEM business (search engine marketing). The article is also aimed at talented guys with interest in PPA (Pay Per Action) and affiliate programs.

Explore the Opportunities

The fist step of any successful business is to analyze, and explore the market. To find out what offers are out there, wise women will have to register at PPA offering websites like, Google's Adsense or at for digital products.

Cute Free Icons for Facebook with Google and Myspace Friends

This free icons are cute, funny and beautiful. Use them as you want. They are free !
You can upload them online to Myspace, Xanga or Facebook to share your love with a buddy. Using them for ICQ, AIM or MSN Messenger is a great idea. Smart women could also use them for eMail and their own websites.

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The space was empty, there was no color, there was no and there was no joy.

Hard working women were deeply bored after making it through their day, as suddenly light came from all sides, the color came, came and there was joy.

Since this very time is mixing color into life. Use the clean content of for your fruitful creativity to make this world more happier.

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