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Smart women create a special button for turning their display screens off in Ubuntu. This is a short trick for nice women who want to safe energy of their battery on a Linux laptop.
1. Press alt+F2
2. Enter: xset dpms force off
If the laptop screen turns off, then it works !
If this method does not work. Use this command instead:
gnome-screensaver-command --activate
1. Right-click on any vacant space on the panel.
2. Choose the entry "Add to Panel".
3. Set the Button Properties:
Type: Application
Name: Turn off Screen
Command: xset dpms force off
Click on the icon in the dialog to change icon.
Use something like: /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps/screensaver.png
If this method does not work. Use this command instead:
gnome-screensaver-command --activate
It will start the screen-saver manually.
The screen-saver must be set to black screen, if you want to save power.
Very wise women combine the two commands into one sequence to save even more energy.
Wise Command: sh -c "xset dpms force off && gnome-screensaver-command --activate"
This combination of commands was also working in XFCE, Xubuntu and Linux Mint.
Have Fun !
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