
Organic Gardening Ideas for the Green Garden

Modern women appreciate green gardening as a form of lifestyle. Their personal gardens help them to be connected with nature. They know that a good garden is a comfortable home for many different types of wonderful animals and insects. Lazy lizards and happy bees in the green garden make them smile. Creative gardening ideas of help to make organic gardening one healthy and interesting hobby for active women.

Plant flowers near vegetables.
Plant colorful flowers around the vegetable garden. The flowers will attract many hardworking bees, beautiful butterflies and other useful insects to the plants. The insects will pollinate the vegetables and increase the efficiency of the garden.

Romantic Love Letter to Girlfriend

Hello my Love.

I have been thinking about the past two weeks afresh. Now it feels unusual like a dream and very different from my normal life.

I am glad that we did go so close and open together. Some of my actions and words were over the edge of respect to you. One part of me wishes to apologize and the other to thank you for giving me a great time of complete openness and freedom of action. You helped me to harvest the fruit of any idea that came to my mind.

Short Funny Story about a Phone

The following short story happened a long time ago. At that time regular phones were already available, but the mobile phones and the Internet were not invented yet. People had to call each other from work or from a phone booth. hopes that you will laugh at least once, after you read this funny story.

Sleepy Wife

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Be happy. Talk with people.

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